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hah nice game, I just survived 92 secs, I was so focused on destroying the spaceships I forgot upgrading. Fun game.

Just some feedback, I dunno why, but in my screen, the game area is just one quarter of the space (I think is something to do with high DPI display that I use). image.png

yeah, it's designed for 1080p, given that it's all pixel-based I'm not sure of a good and easy way to fix that.

Updated, it should now scale 0.5,1,1.5 or 2, based upon your window size.


That’s it! Much nicer now in my screen!

I survived 358 seconds and got a score of 14900. Did anyone else do better?


Only 287 secs and 7100 points in my first try. Nice game, very addictive!

I've made it harder to get a long game time now, it was getting silly.